The first international scientific conference Synthesis was organized under the auspices of Singidunum University in Belgrade with the aim to consider integrally the continued impact of the Internet and technological innovations on different ways of doing business. The conference brought together numerous academic workers and experts from the country and abroad who presented their respective scientific papers related to the field of the Internet and Contemporary Communication Technologies. Namely, the advent of the Internet has led to irreversible social and economic changes in the entire world, including our country. As a global multimedia communication resource, it has contributed to solving the issue of connecting remote organizations and enabled a direct connection between the collaborating organizations, as well as with consumers.
All papers submitted were grouped into 8 thematic fields, as follows: The Use of the Internet and Development Perspectives, Internet and Education, Information Systems in Accounting and Auditing, Data Protection, Cloud Computing, E-business in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, The Use of Computers in Technical Systems and Intelligent Systems. Two workshops were also included in the official conference programme, where participants had the opportunity to attend several lectures held by eminent experts from the leading Serbian and international IT companies and banks.
As regards statistical data, there were over 280 papers submitted to the conference, of which 205 were awarded note of acceptance. Out of the total number of papers, 12 were listed as invited papers, while student papers were presented within a special session. Our scientific committee comprised 25 reputable professors from 15 countries worldwide. A considerable number of participants and papers submitted, together with their quality and significant scientific contribution to the filed, indicate that the conference was extremely well- received and highly- valued within the academic community in Serbia and worldwide.
Conference proceedings are available in PDF format at the following link.
The following link provides online access to papers presented at the conference.